1300 Moody Lane, Geyserville, CA 95441
(707) 857-3592 / fax (707) 857-3071
• Geyserville Unified District Office
• Middle School (grades 6th - 8th)
• High School (grades 9th - 12th)
• Buena Vista High School (grades 9th - 12th)
Student Handbook
District Vision Statement
Geyserville Unified School District as a whole is committed to providing the opportunity for all students to acquire the skills and values necessary to become responsible and contributing adults in our community and beyond.
We believe true excellence results from the collaboration of a passionate, committed staff, involved families, and the broader community.
Welcome to Geyserville New Tech Academy!
The staff at Geyserville New Tech Academy is proud to provide the community of Geyserville with a school dedicated to quality education. We see our job as providing a strong academic and career based program to prepare your student for the future. We, the entire staff, are strongly committed to this goal.
Mission Statement
The mission of Geyserville is to produce within a safe and caring environment, educated, compassionate citizens who achieve and perform at all levels of learning, are prepared to live fulfilling lives and contributing to their community and the world in which they live. Our well- qualified and caring faculty and staff challenge each student to his or her highest potential in this life long pursuit of learning, excellence and service to others.
School Vision for Ideal Graduate
Geyserville New Tech Academy’s goal is to guide its students through a meaningful and challenging standards-based curriculum. As a result, each graduate will become a lifelong learner capable of developing and planning a course of action; and have the perseverance and competency to succeed.
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Geyserville New Tech Student Learner Outcomes
Balanced Scholastic Achievers = Knowledge and Thinking
Students will strive to meet or exceed proficiency standards on State testing and curricular testing while keeping a focus on creative and critical thinking.
Responsible Citizens = Agency
Students will treat others with respect and work to improve life for themselves, their school, and the greater community, by conducting themselves as life-long learners and informed world citizens.
Objective thinkers = Knowledge and Thinking
Students will be able to differentiate between fact and opinion; conduct extensive balanced research; evaluate their sources using internet technology.
Natural Communicators = Oral and Written Communication
Students will be comfortable expressing their opinions and sharing their knowledge in written, spoken and on-line formats.
Collaborative learners = Collaboration
Students will work effectively and efficiently in groups towards established goals and present their work in a professional manner.
High Quality Producers = Project Based Learning achieves this goal
Students will develop, create and assess intellectual, artistic and professional quality work while implementing appropriate 21st century skills and technology.
Outstanding Graduates = will be students who have mastered the above criteria
Students who are prepared for the career and college paths.
Get School Information Online
The Geyserville Unified School District website provides information about the Geyserville New Tech Academy, its programs, and staff members. In addition, parents and students can view the GNTA Bulletin on the site. The Daily Bulletin provides information about current school events and important due dates for school program applications, as well as college tests and applications.
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Common Planning Time
The Geyserville School Board and Administration want to continue to develop excellent programs for students. We will be holding a common planning time each Wednesday throughout the District. The purpose of the common planning time is for teachers to do team planning, coordinate school wide themes, and meet to address student issues and program needs.
Students participating in interscholastic athletic competition, spirit squad, student body offices,
class offices, Ballet Folklorico, and other similar activities are affected by these regulations:
I. Students entering Geyserville Middle or High School from other schools shall be
eligible according to current California Interscholastic Federation rules. All students
promoted from grade 8 are initially eligible.
II. Students must maintain a 2.00 grade point average in order to be eligible. The 2.00
grade point average shall be computed at the end of each quarter. Students must be
progressing towards graduation requirements in order to maintain eligibility.
III. Academic requirements are as follows:
1. A student must maintain minimum passing grades, which is defined as at least a 2.00 grade point average in all enrolled courses on a 4.00 scale.
2. A student must be making minimum progress towards meeting graduation requirements.
3. Probationary period: A student who has received a grade of F in any class will be
placed on a five (5) week probationary period. If the grade has not improved by the
time of progress reports, the student will become ineligible to participate.
A review of eligibility will be considered by school administration at the end of the 5
week probationary period.
4. Students not meeting the above requirements will be declared ineligible until the
next grading period.
IV. A student must be in regular attendance the full day of the scheduled event in order to
be able to participate. If the game or event is not on a school day, the full-day
attendance rule applies to the last day of school preceding the event.
V. “In regular attendance” means the following: attendance in school day except for (1)
funeral, (2) Dental or medical appointment with a note from the doctor or dentist’s
office verifying that the visit was not for an illness which kept the student out of school
that day. but for some previous reason for which an appointment was made at least
two days in advance. This regulation may be appealed by the principal.
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VI. High School students must complete a total of 10 hours each year in a community
service project. If a student does not complete 10 hours within the school year he/she
will not be able to participate in any extra-curricular activities the following year until
the hours are completed. (Board Policy 6146.1A)
VII. Middle and High School students participating in athletics (including practice) must first
pass a physical exam. A copy must be on file.
School attendance in California is required by law.
If your child is ill we do not want them to come to school. However, if they are no longer contagious we encourage them to return.
Unless exempted, all California students must attend school in a regular full-time program or a continuation program until they are 18 years of age or graduated from high school. If a student is absent, the school must be notified of the reason for the absence.
For the purposes of our school attendance policy and academic requirements, we will maintain records on excused and unexcused absences.
Excused Absence:
An excused absence is defined under Board Policy. The teacher is to allow a student to make up the work missed during absences, to the degree it is possible for such work to be completed. A student who is absent one day will have 1 day to make up work.
It will be the responsibility of the student to find out what work was missed in class. If missed work is not made up in the allowed time, the student’s grade may be affected.
An excused absence shall be granted for the following reasons:
1. Personal illness
2. Quarantine under city or county direction
3. Medical, dental, optometry, or chiropractic services. Students are strongly
urged to make appointments during non-school hours.
4. Attending funeral services for an immediate family member
5. Exclusion for not having been properly immunized; such absence is excused
for not more than five school days
6. Jury duty
Unexcused Absence: If a student misses class without an excuse he/she will not be allowed to make up for missed work. Subsequently, the student’s grade will be affected. Unexcused absences include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Oversleeping
2. Cut (also subject to the School Discipline Policy)
3. Family vacations (please refer to Independent Study Guidelines)
4. Any absence which is not cleared within 3 days after the student returns to school
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Consequences for Unexcused Tardies:
(Students who cut are also subject to the School Discipline Policy.)
Unexcused tardies will be recorded by each instructor on a tardy tracking form. Students who are late to their First period class for any reason, are to report to the Office. For all other periods, students are to report to their regularly scheduled class, unless you arrive at school after the First period for any reason. (Doctor’s appointment, family emergency, etc.)
Mondays - Fridays
Students will meet in Room 16 to serve detention at lunch on Mondays and/or Fridays.
Students skip the line if they need to get a hot lunch and must be in Room 16 by 12:18.
Students may:
Following an absence, all students, regardless of age, must bring a note from a parent or guardian to the office to get an absence slip before being admitted back into school. Parents may also call the school or email the school secretary. Students will not be admitted to class without an absence slip from the office. If the absence is justified, the parent/guardian has three (3) days to clear the absence. If the absence is not cleared with appropriate documentation within three (3) days, it remains on the student’s attendance record as an unexcused absence.
SARB (School Attendance Review Board)
Students and parents are referred to SARB if they have persistent problems in school relating to attendance or behavior, and when the normal avenues of classroom, school and district intervention do not resolve the situation. Both parents and students are subject to prosecution under the Ed. Code for the State of California if an attendance problem persists.
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Independent Study:
If you know you will be out of town for 5-20 instructional days, check with the office (at least one week in advance) to make sure the reason for Independent Study meets the State of California Ed. Code guidelines and that the necessary paperwork can be processed. Contact the Independent Studies Coordinator to request independent studies.
Remember that a student’s presence in class is extremely important. Missing lectures, labs or other hands-on assignments may affect a student’s overall grade.
Riding the bus is a privilege; improper conduct on the bus may result in that privilege being denied. Bus citations will be issued for inappropriate behavior as well as subject to the discipline policy.
Geyserville New Tech Academy has a hot breakfast and lunch program available. Please check with Food Services or the office if you think you may qualify for free or reduced priced meals. Cafeteria trays are not allowed beyond the outside patio area. Microwaves are available for student use.
Cell phone use during the school day is limited to break and lunch times. There is a great potential for nuisance, distraction for students and lost phones. As with all personal property we will not be responsible for loss or damage of cell phones. If a student has their cell phone out during class time, the teacher will confiscate it and a parent/guardian must pick it up at the end of the school day. If a student’s phone has been confiscated more than 3 times they will have to turn in their phone to the office before school starts and may pick it up at the end of the day.
To provide for student safety, Geyserville Educational Park is a closed campus. Students cannot leave campus unless a parent/guardian checks them out of school at the front office. Any student who violates the closed campus rule, is subject to disciplinary action. (see Discipline Policy-Willful Defiance p. 22). Board policy allows seniors to leave campus as long as parents/guardians have signed an OFF CAMPUS PRIVILEGE form on file in the main office.
School property (e.g., books, equipment, uniforms, etc.) must be returned in a reasonable condition when recalled by the teacher or coach. You are responsible for all school materials entrusted to you. You will be charged a replacement fee for lost or damaged materials.
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Geyserville New Tech Academy Bell Schedule 2021-2022
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Schedule
8:27 am First Bell
8:30 - 9:50 am Block 1 80 minutes
9:50 - 10:02 am Break 12 minutes
10:05 - 11:25 am Block 2 80 minutes
11:28 - 12:13 am HS Advisory 45 minutes
12:00 - 12:45 pm MS Advisory 45 minutes
12:13 - 12:43 pm HS Lunch 30 minutes
11:28 - 11:58 am MS Lunch 30 minutes
12:45 - 2:05 pm Block 3 80 minutes
2:10 - 3:30 pm Block 4 80 minutes
Wednesday Schedule (No Advisory)
8:27 am First Bell
8:30 - 9:47 am Block 1 77 minutes
9:47 - 10:01 am Break 15 minutes
10:04 - 11:21 am Block 2 77 minutes
11:24 - 12:41 pm Block 3 77 minutes
12:41 – 1:11 pm Lunch 30 minutes
12:13 - 12:43 pm Block 4 77 minutes
1:13 – 2:30 pm MS Lunch 30 minutes
Assembly/Rally Schedule Wednesday
8:27 am First Bell
8:30 - 9:27 am Block 1 57 minutes
9:30 - 10:27 am Block 2 57 minutes
10:27 – 10:42 am Break 15 minutes
10:45 - 11:42 pm Block 3 57 minutes
11:45 - 12:42 pm Block 4 57 minutes
12:45 - 1:15 pm Lunch 30 minutes
(assembly setup)
1:20 - 2:30 pm Assembly/Rally 65 minutes
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If you are guilty of cheating, the teacher will collect your assignment and mark an F for the work; Parents/Guardians will be notified by the administration (See discipline policy under Willful Defiance p.22).
The purpose of the California Scholarship Federation and the California Junior Scholarship Federation, a statewide organization, is to foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship on the part of students of California’s public and private high schools and middle schools. Membership is based on grades earned during the preceding semester. Please see the CSF/CJSF advisor for information regarding the requirements for membership.
Announcements for the daily bulletin must be submitted on a bulletin form to the office by 9:00 a.m. on the day you want it to appear. The bulletin will be read daily. Listen carefully! The bulletin will be posted on the school website (
Middle school dances are for Geyserville students only. Guests are not allowed. Dances will be held between the hours of 3:30 and 6:00 p.m. High School dances are in the evening, and are usually held between 8:00 and 11:00 p.m. Guests are allowed with approval from the administration and the parent/guardian of Geyserville students. A Guest Pass must be filled out one week prior to the dance. Guest passes are available in the front office. If the guest is no longer in high school or over the age of 18, a copy of the guests’ driver’s license must be attached to the Guest Pass. No one over the age of 20 will be allowed to attend the dance.
Your teacher may detain you in the classroom at break or lunch for incomplete work, homework, or inappropriate behavior. Administrative Detentions will be assigned as needed. If further consequences are necessary students may be assigned On Campus Suspension or Home Suspension, depending on the severity of the infraction. Please refer to the Behavior Expectations and Disciplinary Policy.
The Geyserville Unified School District Board has declared Geyserville New Tech Academy to be a drug-free zone. Any student under the influence or in possession will be suspended from school and may face expulsion. The sheriff’s department will be notified. Students selling or
attempting to sell any controlled substance will face a five-day home suspension, police report, and will be recommended for expulsion. (see Discipline Policy p.21) Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes or chewing tobacco on school grounds is not allowed and will be dealt with according to the school discipline policy.
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The dress code at our school is practical. All clothing shall be within the bounds of decency and in good taste as appropriate for an academic setting at school. Clothing that is disruptive to the learning environment will not be permitted. Any clothing, dress, attire or ornaments etc. that can be interpreted by school officials to be disruptive to the educational process or inappropriate is at the discretion of school officials. The following is a guideline of appropriate and acceptable school attire:
Any clothing, apparel, jewerly, accessory, notebook, personal belonging, or manner of grooming, which by virtue of its color, arrangment, trademark, or attribute, that denotes membership in gangs, or advocates drug or alcohol use, sexual relations, violence, or disruptive behavior is prohibited.
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Geyserville New Tech Academy heavily emphasizes the PBL process (project based learning). As such, certain electronic devices may be used when the research phase under PBL is in effect. Students may use headphones, bluetooth, Airpods, etc. only when the instructor has given any and all instructions or directions under any phase of the PBL process. Students who disregard this policy will have their device taken away and may face disciplinary action under willful defiance. (p.22)
A blue emergency procedure card is included in your first day packet. It must be completed and returned to the office within the first week of school. Please be aware that emergency procedure cards need to be kept current to ensure accurate and expedient contact information in case of emergency.
To be eligible to take part in a non-academic field trip, students must have a minimum of a 2.0 GPA as of the last grading period and all passing grades. That means, F’s are not allowed. Also students must have had no more than 2 referrals up to the day before the field trip and they are following our three expected norms: trust, respect and responsibility. A non-academic field trip experience can be made up in the classroom if a student does not attend.
For all academic field trips, the trip must be part of a project and/or a college tour and students must have a minimum of a 1.0 GPA as of the last grading period. Also students must have had no more than 2 referrals up to the day before the field trip and they are following our three norms: trust, respect, and responsibility. An academic field trip is an experience that cannot be made up in the classroom.
If an instructor has a concern for a certain student, then the decision to allow the particular student to go on any field trip will be handled at the discretion of the teacher or teachers. (Examples would be if a student is failing across the board; if a student is failing because of an extended family emergency or a long illness, etc.)
School rules apply on field trips. Inappropriate conduct on a field trip will result in parents being called to pick up their student, and he/she will not be eligible for the following trip. Students who choose not to participate in a required field trip are still required to attend school, and will be required to complete a teacher or administrator assignment in lieu of the trip.
Students are expected to settle differences without resorting to physical attacks of any kind, including pushing, shoving, hitting, or verbal abuse. See the principal or counselor; often communication clears up the problem. (see Discipline Policy)
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Food and drink are not to be consumed in the classroom during class time. This rule does not apply when teachers have planned a legitimate teaching objective which requires the preparation and/or use of food during the regular class.
A - Excellent B - Above Average C – Average D - Below Average F - Fail (no credit earned)
INC - Incomplete (becomes an F if work is not completed within 2 weeks)
(An INC is given when a student has been absent due to a prolonged illness or at the discretion of the principal. If a student is absent the day of a final then the Excused Absence policy is put into effect allowing 1 day to make up the work.)
Grade is determined by:
Indicators of taking ownership over one’s learning:
• Meet benchmarks
• Seek feedback
• Monitor your learning
• Actively participate
• Build relationships
• Impact self & community
Oral Communication
The ability to communicate knowledge and thinking through effective oral presentations.
Written Communication
The ability to effectively communicate knowledge and thinking through writing by organizing and structuring ideas and using discipline appropriate language and conventions.
The ability to be a productive member of diverse teams through strong interpersonal communication, a commitment to shared success, leadership, and initiative.
Knowledge & Thinking
The ability to reason, problem-solve, develop sound arguments or decisions, and create new ideas by using appropriate sources and applying the knowledge and skills of a discipline.
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The School Nurse is at school once or twice a month. If you would like to see her, please make an appointment in the office. Counseling Services are also available. Please contact the office for more information. If you become ill in class, get a pass and come to the office. A call home will be made. You cannot be sent home unless there is parental permission. If it becomes necessary for you to take any form of prescribed medication at school, an Authorization for Administering Medication must be on file in the office. Forms may be obtained in the school office. Students may take non-prescription medication with a written note from a parent. All medications must be kept by the school secretary.
If you should have any questions or concerns regarding academic progress or the school’s program, the following procedures should be followed:
1) Communicate directly with the teacher.
2) If the problem is not resolved, make an appointment to meet with the teacher and the Principal.
3) If the problem still is not resolved submit a written description of the situation to the superintendent’s office.
4) The last recourse is to request a meeting with the Board of Trustees.
Appointments to meet with the teacher or principal may be made through the school office
(857-3592) between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
To qualify for the Honor Roll, you must achieve at least a 3.0 AGPA (Academic Grade Point Average) or higher. Students who achieve a 3.0 AGPA or higher for three out of four quarters will be honored at a special ceremony at the end of the year.
The library is a quiet place to read or study. Rules are posted. The library is open daily. Hours are posted.
LOCKERS (P.E. & Seniors)
A locker is issued to you at the beginning of the school year. You are responsible for keeping it clean inside and out. Any locker malfunction should be reported to the office. You are cautioned against giving others your combination or sharing your locker. Do not keep money or other valuables in your locker. THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ITEMS LOST OR STOLEN.
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Articles found in and around the school should be turned in to the library where owners may claim their property. If you have lost something, you may wish to place an announcement in the bulletin. Items not claimed from Lost and Found will be donated to charitable organizations at Thanksgiving, Winter Recess, Spring Recess and the end of the school year.
To avoid unnecessary classroom disruptions, we do not deliver messages to students except in emergencies. The nature of all such emergencies must be established prior to the delivery. The same holds true for phone usage. School phones are to facilitate the conducting of school, not personal business. Please make pick-up arrangements with your child before they leave home. Classroom phones are not for student use.
For your safety you must stay in supervised areas. Off limit areas are parking lots, behind the gym, baseball/softball dugouts, the benches next to Mr. Boone’s room, and posted areas inside the main building. Students are also not allowed in the front of the school or side grass area during break or lunch.
Geyserville New Tech Academy is a CLOSED Campus.
The following are permissible displays of affection at school:
a) Holding hands
b) One arm around the shoulder or waist.
Violation of these rules will result in:
1) Warning /Parent notification
2) Detention (See discipline policy under Willful Defiance p.22)
Parent/Teacher conferences for Middle/High School students can be requested by parents, students or a staff member to discuss the student’s progress and any concerns parents may have. Please feel free to contact the teacher to set up a conference at his/her free time or prep period.
For your safety, the parking lot and cars in the parking lot are off limits during the school day. Students do not have permission to go to their cars for any reason, unless accompanied by an administrator.
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Students driving to school and parking their vehicle on school grounds must apply for a parking permit. A parking permit will be issued upon proof of the following: valid California Driver’s license, current vehicle registration, automobile insurance and parent signature. While parked on campus, all vehicles must display a parking permit, issued by the District.
PERMISSION TO SIGN NOTES (Students 18 years and older)
Students 18 years and older who reside with their parents or guardians will be considered to have the same status as any other student in the Geyserville Unified School District and will be expected to follow all school rules concerning absences, tardies, notes, excuses, check-out and check-in etc. Students 18 years old and older who reside independently and who have been legally emancipated from their parents/guardians must supply proof to the Principal. Approved students living independently are expected to follow all school rules, but may write their own absence notes.
If a student is enrolled in a physical education class, participation is required.
When a medical problem exists, a parent may excuse you from participation for three days; a doctor's note is required thereafter. You must report and dress for P.E. class everyday, whether you participate or not. The State of California for graduation requires two years (20 credits) of High School physical education.
If you are receiving a grade of D+ or lower in any subject, a progress report will be mailed home. Progress reports are mailed home quarterly.
Report cards are mailed home on a quarterly basis approximately two weeks after the grading period has ended.
School office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. The school office is off limits unless you have specific business with the counselor, principal, or secretary. Due to the confidential nature of school business, the principal and secretary’s desks are off limits to students. Forms and calendars of school activities are located in the office.
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School officials may conduct searches when there are reasonable grounds or suspicion that the search will uncover evidence that the student may have violated the law or school rules, or placed the health and safety of students or school employees in jeopardy. In all such cases of search, the search must be within the school personnel’s regular scope of duties, and any property seized must be reported to the student immediately.
SPORTS (Some sports may not be offered due to COVID, check with Athletic Director)
Activity eligibility rules apply for sports participation (see Activity Eligibility). Sports offered at Geyserville New Tech Academy are:
High School Middle School
Co-Ed Soccer Baseball Co-Ed Soccer
Volleyball Softball Girls Volleyball
Boys Basketball Cheerleading Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball Tennis and Golf Girls Basketball
This year the Geyserville School District pays for student accident insurance for school time. However, this coverage is not in effect during the summer. If parents wish to pay for an optional 24 hour coverage plan, please contact the school office. Coverage is a maximum of $25,000.00 with the $100.00 deductible to be paid by the student’s parent or guardian.
At the request of Geyserville School Staff, student study teams comprised of teachers, specialists and administrators meet to consider the needs of individual students and suggest interventions to help teachers in the instruction of the student.
Class Suspension
You may be suspended from a class by your teacher for the rest of a period and from that class the next day for inappropriate behavior. You will be assigned administrative detention time in addition to the period you sat out. A Student Behavior referral will be written and the teacher will notify your parents and administrator. A parent conference may be scheduled.
School Suspension
The principal, the principal’s designee, or the superintendent may suspend a student from school for no more than five (5) consecutive days, depending on the severity of the situation. An informal conference will be held. The student will be given the opportunity to present his or her version and evidence. Whenever practical, the referring staff will attend.
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A student who is on home suspension will not have the opportunity to make up missed work. A suspended student is not to be on campus or participate in any school activities. A parent conference will be held before or upon returning to school (within 2 days). Suspended students are not to participate in extracurricular activities or attend school functions during days of suspension. (See also Willful Defiance p.22)
Students are expected to be prepared and on time to class. (See above under Consequences for Unexcused Tardies p.5)
All textbooks are loaned to students to use during the school year. You are responsible for replacement costs for damaged or lost books. Students who are unable to meet the monetary obligation will need to contact the principal as soon as possible.
In compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Geyserville Unified
School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the admission of student to school
programs, in its education programs or activities, or in the recruitment and employment of
personnel. Our students have a right to a nonsexist education. A law called Title IX prohibits the school from discrimination on the basis of sex. Females and males are guaranteed equal treatment under the law in:
•Admission to schools •Counseling and guidance
•Student rules and regulations •Student services and benefits
•Financial Aid •Athletics and competitive sports
•Employment •Policies relating to marital and parental status
•Sexual harassment •Entrance to courses (including P.E. and Vocational Education)
Our school buildings and grounds are beautiful; those who destroy or vandalize them will be required to pay for losses or damages. If you willfully destroy or steal school property, suspension and subsequent expulsion may be necessary. The parents/guardian having custody or control of a minor who commits an act of vandalism against the school or District will be held financially liable. (See discipline policy)
(California Vehicle Code Section 2113 (a))
By entering any Geyserville Unified School District property, the person driving any vehicle is deemed to consent to a complete search of the vehicle, all its compartments and contents, by school officials for any reason at any time. This notice applies to all vehicles of any type and is
in force 24 hours a day.
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Student visitors are not permitted on campus during the school day. Parents are always welcome. We ask that an appointment be made to see a teacher, counselor, administrator, or visit a classroom. Parents, classroom speakers and invited guests must register in the main
office upon arrival and wear a name tag in clear sight. Small children should not be brought to school. Shadowing a Geyserville student for a day will only be allowed if the parent of the student has contacted the principal regarding possibly becoming a Geyserville student. Alumni students
can be on campus during lunch only, or if special arrangements have been made with the administration.
The dress code at our school is practical. All clothing shall be within the bounds of decency and good taste as appropriate for school. Clothing that is disruptive to the learning environment will not be permitted. Garments must be sufficient to conceal all undergarments at all times. Cleavage cannot be visible. The following is a guideline of appropriate and acceptable school clothing:
1. Shoes must be worn at all times.
2. Dark glasses or sunglasses may not be worn inside the school.
3. Hats, beanies and hoods are not allowed during all-school assemblies. Wearing hoods in the classroom is not allowed. Hats & beanies may be used in the classroom but are under the discretion of the instructor. Hats must be free of anything, which would denote drugs, alcohol, violence or any kind of gang affiliation.
4. Dresses, skirts and short length must be mid-thigh or longer.
The following are not allowed on campus or at any school sponsored event:
1. No tank tops “see through” or “fishnet” type of blouse, shirt, spaghetti straps, and short-crop tops, tube tops, bare midriffs, muscle shirts, spandex pants/shorts or sports bras may be worn.
2. No low-cut or revealing clothing not conducive to a school environment will be allowed. Cleavage cannot be visible. Shirts must be worn at all times.
Any clothing, apparel, jewelry, accessory, note book, personal belonging, or manner of grooming, which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, or attribute, denotes membership in gangs, advocates drug or alcohol use, sex, violence or disruptive behavior is prohibited.
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Students are expected to come to school ready to learn. If a student is dressed inappropriately, these steps will be followed:
1. Student will be counseled as to inappropriate dress. If the student can remedy the situation by putting on or removing an item of clothing, he or she will be allowed to do so.
2. If the above is not possible, the student will be sent with a pass to the principal. On an individual basis, the student may be sent home to remedy the situation. Parent/guardian will be notified of the student’s infraction.
2nd infraction will result in a school detention and parent notification. (Willful Defiance p.22)
“Our purpose at Geyserville New Tech Academy is to enable students to pursue excellence,
make sound, informed, ethical decisions, and learn to be responsible,
productive citizens of the future.”
• follow dress policy
• not wear sunglasses in the school building
• remain on campus during the school day
• attend all classes on time with appropriate materials
• be courteous, respect others, their property, and their right to learn
• maintain a clean and orderly campus
• eat only at designated times and areas
• refrain from riding bicycles and skateboards on campus
• stay within supervised areas
• refrain from possession of the following articles:
a. unauthorized electronic or audio devices
b. water balloons/water pistols
c. any articles which might suggest gang affiliation
d. any items inappropriate in a school setting (i.e. pillows, blankets, stuffed animals)
e. permanent markers of any kind
f. cigarette lighters, matches , E-Cigarettes
• Adhere to all the laws of the State of California prohibiting the following:
a. weapons
b. fighting
c. stealing
d. crimes against school personnel
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e. crimes against school property
f. alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other chemical substances
g. profanity
h. hazing/harassment/racial slurs/sexual harassment
i. gambling
j. disobedience (defiance of authority)
k. fireworks
Students who break a rule in the behavior code will be subject to one or more of the following consequences:
1.Receive a warning from a staff member
2.Have a student-teacher conference or a parent-student-teacher conference
3.Be given a Behavior referral with possible detention
4.Receive On Campus Suspension or Home Suspension
5.Recommendation for possible expulsion
Rules And Procedures Relating To Students
The following are rules and procedures relating to students if they violate the student discipline policy while on school grounds, while going to or from school, or while going to or coming from a school-sponsored activity:
A. (1) Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to
another person, or
(2) Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in
STEPS: 1. Parent conference - school detention or suspension; police may be notified.
2. Parent conference - Probationary Contract and detention or suspension; police may be notified.
3. Parent conference - Student recommended for transfer to Continuation
School; police may be notified. NOTE: Any student who causes serious
physical injury to another person, except in self-defense, shall normally be
recommended for expulsion.
Lesser penalty: Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is inappropriate, the particular circumstance(s) why expulsion is inappropriate, and indicate the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
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B. Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object unless, in the case of possession of any object of this type, the pupil had obtained written permission from a certificated school employee, which is concurred in by the Principal or the Principal’s designee.
STEPS: 1. Student recommended for expulsion; police or fire department notified.
2. Lesser penalty; Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is inappropriate, the particular circumstance(s) why expulsion is inappropriate, and indicate the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
C. Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of, any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health & Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind.
Note: Students who are in the immediate vicinity of drug or alcohol use or possession and who are aware of such use or possession, will be subject to the steps listed below. Examples: students in automobiles where drugs or alcohol are possessed or consumed; students on field trips or other school-related activities who are in hotel rooms, etc. where drugs or alcohol are possessed or consumed.
1. Police notified. Five (5) day suspension and successful parent conference required. Counseling sessions required. If successful parent conference not held, or if counseling sessions are not attended, transfer to Continuation School. Student placed on Probationary Contract.
2. Student recommended for expulsion; police notified.
Lesser penalty; Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is inappropriate, the particular circumstance(s) why expulsion is inappropriate, and indicate the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
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1. Student recommended for expulsion; police notified.
Lesser penalty as for possession, if the Principal believes circumstances warrant.
NOTE: Health and Safety Code 11353.6 provides that persons 18 or over who provide drugs to a minor must serve an additional term of three to five years, beyond existing penalties, when this felony occurs on or within 1,000 feet of school grounds. Persons age 18 or over who sell drugs to a minor four or more years their junior also must serve separate additional terms of imprisonment.
D. Unlawfully offered or arranged or negotiated to sell any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind, and then either sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished to any person another liquid, substance, or material and represented the liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant.
1. Student recommended for expulsion; police notified.
2. Lesser penalty as for possession, if Principal believes circumstances so warrant.
Robbery or Extortion
E. Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion.
STEPS: 1. Student recommended for expulsion; police may be notified.
2. Lesser disciplinary action taken; police may be notified; Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is inappropriate, the particular circumstance(s) why expulsion is inappropriate, and indicate the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
F. Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property.
1. Parent conference and Probationary Contract-recommend counseling; police notified.
2. Parent conference. Student recommended for transfer to Continuation School.
NOTE: (a) Restitution as appropriate: parent or guardian liable for up to $5,000 per Ed Code 48904. (b) Students driving cars on lawns or other non-road areas and doing damage to said areas - MINIMUM CHARGE IS $100 PER AREA.
G. Stole or attempted to steal school property or private property.
1. Parent conference and Probationary Contract. Recommend counseling; police notified.
2. Parent conference - Student recommended for transfer to Continuation School.
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NOTE: (a) Restitution as appropriate: parent or guardian liable for up to $5,000 per Ed
Code 48904.
H. Possessed or used tobacco, or any products containing tobacco or nicotine products, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew packets, and betel. However, this does not prohibit use or possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription products.
1. Parent notified and three (3) day suspension.
2. Parent conference and Probationary Contract.
3. Parent conference - Student recommended for transfer to Continuation School.
I. Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
1. Student conference.
2. Parent conference - Probationary Contract and/or suspension or school detention.
3. Parent conference - Student recommended for transfer to Continuation School.
J. Unlawfully possessed or unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia, as defined in Section 11014.5 of the Health and Safety Code.
1. Police notified. Five (5) day suspension and successful parent conference required. Five (5) counseling sessions required. If successful parent conferences not held, or if counseling sessions not attended, transfer to Continuation School. Probationary Contract.
2. Student recommended for expulsion; police notified.
Lesser penalty, Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is inappropriate, the particular circumstance(s) why expulsion is inappropriate, and the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
K. Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.
1. Parent conference and/or school detention.
2. Parent conference - Probationary Contract and/or suspension or school detention.
3. Parent conference - Student may be recommended for transfer to Continuation school.
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L. Knowingly received stolen school property or private property.
1. Parent conference and Probationary Contract. Recommended counseling; Police may be notified.
2. Parent conference - Student recommended for transfer to Continuation School.
NOTE: (a) Restitution as appropriate; parent or guardian liable for up to $5,000, per Ed. Code 48904.M.
M. Possessed an imitation firearm. As used in this section, ”imitation firearm” means a replica of a firearm that is so substantially similar in physical properties to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to conclude that the replica is a firearm.
1. Three (3) day suspension - Parent conference; Probationary Contract. Police may be notified.
2. Five (5) day suspension - Transfer to Continuation School. Police notified.
Note: Depending upon the circumstances, student may be recommended for expulsion at step one or two.
N. Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault as defined in Section 261, 266c, 286, 288, 288a, or 289 of the Penal Code or committed a sexual battery as defined in Section 243.4 of the Penal Code.
1. Five (5) day suspension - Student may be recommended for expulsion; police notified; parent conference; Probationary Contract.
2. Recommendation for expulsion and police notified.
O. Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness or witness in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing that pupil from being a witness or retaliating against that pupil for being a witness, or both.
1. Five (5) day suspension Police notified; Probationary Contract.
2. Recommendation for expulsion and police notified.
Harassment of Any Kind
P. Engaged in, or attempted to engage in, hazing as defined in Section 32050
1. Parent conference - school detention or suspension; police may be notified.
2. Parent conference - Probationary Contract and school detention or suspension; police may be notified.
3. Parent conference - Student recommended for transfer to Continuation School; police may be notified. NOTE: Any student who causes serious physical injury to another person, except in self- defense, shall normally be recommended for expulsion.
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Lesser penalty: Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is
inappropriate, the particular circumstance(s) why expulsion is inappropriate, and indicate the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
Q. Section 48900.2 Committed sexual harassment as defined in Section 212.5. For the purposes of this chapter, the conduct described in Section 212.5 must be considered by a reasonable person of the same gender as the victim to be sufficiently severe or pervasive to have a negative impact upon the individual’s academic performance or to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. (Education Code Section 48900.2)
1. Student may be recommended for expulsion, or three (3) to five (5) day suspension - Parent conference; Probationary Contract.
2. Student recommended for expulsion.
R. Section 48900.3 Caused, or attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of hate violence, as defined in subdivision (e) of Section 233. (Education Code 48900.3)
1. Student may be recommended for expulsion, or three (3) to five (5) day suspension - Parent conference; Probationary Contract.
2. Student recommended for expulsion.
S. Section 48900.4 Intentionally engaged in harassment, threats, or intimidation, directed against school district personnel or pupils, that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to have the actual and reasonably expected effect of materially disrupting classwork, creating substantial disorder, and invading the rights of either school personnel or pupils by creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment. (Education Code 48900.4)
1. Student may be recommended for expulsion, or three (3) to five (5) day suspension - Parent conference; Probationary Contract.
2. Student recommended for expulsion.
T. Section 48900.7 Made terroristic threats against school officials or school property, or both. (Education Code 48900.7)
1. Student recommended for expulsion; police notified.
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Lesser Penalty: Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is inappropriate, and indicate the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
U. Section 48900 (r)
Engaging in an act of bullying by any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or by means or an electronic act, and including one or more acts committed by a pupil or group of pupils as defined in Education Code sections 48900.2, 48900.3, or 48900.4 directed at one or more pupils that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following:
placing a reasonable pupil or pupils in fear of harm to the pupil or pupils or his/her/their property; causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with his or her physical or mental health; causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with his or her academic performance; or causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with his or her ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or privileges provided by a school.
EC 32261 (f) and (g):
(f) As used in chapter, “bullying” means one or more acts by a pupil or group as defined in Section 48900.2, 48900.3, or 48900.4.
(g) As used in this chapter, an “electronic act” means the transmission of a communication, including, but not limited to, a message, text, sound, or image by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone or other wireless communication device, computer or pager (Education Code 48901.5).
1. Parent conference and Detention.
2. Parent conference - Probationary Contract and suspension or school detention.
1. Parent notified - Referral sent home and student assigned school detention (for full day cuts and for part day cuts).
2. Parent conference - student assigned school detention.
3. Parent conference - student assigned school detention and placed on Probationary Contract.
4. Parent conference - student recommended for transfer to Continuation School for being habitually truant or irregular in attendance from instruction upon which he or she is lawfully required to attend.
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(Teacher determines a student is cheating):
1. Student will receive a zero for the assignment. Referral will be submitted to the counselor, who will make parent contact.
2. Student will receive a zero for the assignment. Referral will be made to an administrator. A conference will be held and school detention assigned.
3. Student will receive a zero for the assignment. Referral will be made to an administrator. A conference will be held with parents. A school detention will be assigned and the student will be placed on a Probationary Contract.
No student or student group may distribute, for reading or wearing, any materials which include obscenities, describe or advocate disruptive activities, issue false or abusive statements about persons, organizations or policies, or advocate violation of the law or official school regulations.
•The above discipline procedures for serious offenses may be reasonably lessened by the Principal or designee, when, in their proper judgment, special or unusual circumstances warrant the use of steps other than those indicated above.
• For the offenses listed in Section 1 above, when the Principal judges that an infraction is extremely serious in nature, the school may bypass the listed step in the discipline procedures and go to the next step, or for such cases, expulsion may be recommended.
• At the option of the Principal or designee, for the offenses listed in Section 1, the school may proceed to Step 2 for an infraction under one section, if the student has already been penalized at Step 1 for another offense. (i.e. offenses are cumulative.)
A student may be suspended or expelled for any of the acts listed above if that act is related to school activity or school attendance occurring at any district school or within any other school district, including, but not limited to, the following circumstances:
1. While on school grounds 3. During the lunch period
2. While going to or coming from school 4. During, going to, or coming from a school-sponsored activity.
Any student may be suspended, recommended for expulsion, or transferred to the Continuation School if the Principal or Superintendent determines that the pupil’s presence causes a danger to persons or property or threatens to disrupt the instructional process. Suspended students may be required to complete all assignments and tests missed during the suspension by the teacher of the class involved. Any work required to be made up and not completed shall receive a failing grade.
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THIS IS A SERIOUS STEP: A student on probation must attend school regularly and be free from all discipline referrals. Students who are placed on probation may not participate in extracurricular activities, including graduation, may not hold an ASB or class office, and may not participate on athletic teams.
A. A student may be placed on a “Probationary Contract” for any of the following:
1. Attendance: Failure to attend school on a regular basis - cutting classes, forging notes, excessive tardies, etc.
2. Discipline: Insubordination; excessive discipline problems; violation of state or local laws; violation of district or school rules and regulations.
3. If a student violates a major school rule or is absent without proper authorization while on a Probationary Contract, he/she may be recommended for transfer to the Continuation School.
4. The time period for a Probationary Contract shall be for nine (9) calendar weeks.
5. A student placed on a Probationary Contract near the end of the school year may use the time during the summer to meet the nine-week period if he/she enrolls in a local junior college and earns 10 credits.
B. Petition for permission to participate in extracurricular activities:
Students may petition to participate in extracurricular activities that occur after a student has been on probation for five (5) calendar weeks. The petition should be submitted to the school administration at least 1 week prior to the activity for which the student is submitting the petition. Students who are placed on probation as a result of drug or alcohol offenses may request, upon approval by the school administration, permission to take part in a particular activity. After five (5) calendar weeks of probation, permission to participate will be contingent upon the completion of community service as approved by the school administration. The school administration reserves the right to deny such a request based on the particular circumstances of the offense.
The student or student’s parents or guardian has/have the right to request a meeting with the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee. Parents or students 18 years of age or older also have the right to review any and all student records and receive a copy if requested. The foregoing procedures are in compliance with Education Code 48900, 48900.02, 48903.5, and 48432.5.
• Offenses are normally cumulative only for the school year in which they occur. That is, a student receives a “clean slate” at the beginning of each school year. HOWEVER, Drug and Alcohol offenses covered in sections C and D above are cumulative for two (2) CALENDAR YEARS from the date of the offense. (For example, if a student possesses drugs and STEP 1 is applied, any additional drug/alcohol offense in the next 2 years will result in the application of STEP 2.)
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Geyserville New Tech Academy can offer Advanced Placement in a variety of courses to seniors and juniors. If pre-requisite classes have been met, then students have the opportunity to enroll in Advanced Placement courses. Additional AP classes can be offered through UC Scout if the course is not offered during the academic year.
The ASB4321 provides for student activities, gives students a share in the management of the school, and seeks to interest students in school affairs.
Traditionally, there are two major dances per year: Homecoming and the School Prom.
Student Body cards are sold by the Student Council (price may vary) and entitles you to a discount at all games and dances.
Student Council and Class meetings are held on a regular basis.
The Buena Vista High School is designed for students who are behind in credits, not adjusting to the regular school program, or working mornings or afternoons. The emphasis is on
individualized instruction and courses. Referral to BVHS is made by the administration.
Students may return to the regular high school program at the beginning of a semester with
administrative approval, provided they have made up all credit deficiencies. Possible
participation in the comprehensive high school graduation ceremony is evaluated on an
individual basis.
Students may only change courses for credit up to the second week after the beginning of
each semester. Changing a class requires principal, teacher and parent approval.
All students are required to complete 40 hours of community service (10 per year) in order to
receive a diploma. The requirement for transferring students will be based upon 10 hours per year of Geyserville attendance. To receive community service credit, pick up the form in the office and return it to the office. Forms must be signed by a supervising adult and turned into the office within 2 weeks of the activity in order to receive service credit.
Community Service Guidelines:
• Students must complete a total of 10 hours each year of community service. If a student does not complete 10 hours within the school year he/she will not be able to participate in any extra curricular activities the following year until the hours are
completed. This includes all sports, student government, dances, etc. This is a requirement for graduation. (Board Policy 6146.1A).
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• Students cannot obtain credit for community service performed during class time.
• In any community service project, the work of the student must not take the place of a hired employee. Students’ work should supplement the efforts of the organization or agency, not take the place of someone who is already working.
• If the student is paid, the hours will not be applicable.
• Prior approval must be obtained to work with an agency or group not listed below.
• Incoming 9th grade students may begin their community service the second semester of their 8th grade year.
• Approved Organizations:
Chamber of Commerce; Museums; Children’s Centers; Nursing Homes; Hospitals; Humane Society; Libraries; Service Clubs; Schools; Red Cross; Retirement Centers; Religious Groups; City Government;
Park & Recreation Department; Disaster Relief Organization;
Police and Fire Departments; Environmental Groups
To make up credit loss, you may:
1) Repeat the class, if the schedule allows
2) May enroll in an online recovery course
3) Attend the Adelante Program at Santa Rosa Jr. College for credit recovery, if eligible
4) Participate in a Dual Enrollment Program at a California Community College
5) Be referred to Buena Vista High School by the administrator
California Community College Dual Enrollment Program
Any high school student, with a good academic standing, can participate in the Dual Enrollment program. The credits earned at a California Community College (CCC), such as Santa Rosa Junior College, can be applied towards high school graduation requirements and college admission requirements. Students earn 10 High School credits for every 3 College Units earned. Furthermore students earn 1 honors point on their GPA for every college level course successfully completed. Please see the counselor or principal for more information.
Geyserville New Tech Academy
A total of 240 credits and 40 hours (10 per year) Community Service hours are required for graduation. Transferring students from schools with different courses and/or credit requirements will be evaluated individually. Ten credits per semester are earned for each class completed successfully, except for quarter long classes where 5 semester credits are earned such as Civics and Economics. Students need to attend school regularly and work diligently in order to keep up on their credits. Students earn credits for the class if they receive a letter grade of D- or better.
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Geyserville New Tech Academy - High School Graduation Required Courses:
Subject Credits needed Courses offered at GNTA
English 40 credits English 9, 10, 11, 12, AP Lit, AP Language Arts
Science 20 credits Integrated Science 1, 2, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Social Science 30 credits World History, US History, Civics/Economics
Mathematics 30 credits Integrated Math 1, 2, 3, Statistics
*Must pass IM 1 or Algebra to earn a HS Diploma.
Physical Education 20 credits High School PE
Fine Arts 10 credits Spanish 1, 2, 3, High School Art,
Electives 90 credits See master schedule for offerings.
If a student fulfills a category from the graduation requirements,
the additional credits will count towards elective credits.
Seniors who meet all District requirements will participate in an evening graduation ceremony. Eligible seniors from the Buena Vista High School will also participate in this District graduation. Exchange students from other countries are invited to participate in the ceremony and will receive an Honorary Diploma for one year of education abroad. The school colors, green and gold, will be the color theme for the ceremony. This is an important celebration for all to share.
Seniors who lack credit in a required course at the end of the year will not receive a diploma or be allowed to participate in senior activities or ceremonies. The credit requirement can be met through community college or with special arrangements through the counselor. Upon completion of credits and Community Service, a diploma will be issued.
The possibility of a Senior Trip is contingent upon Board Policy and approval. If the Board approves a Senior Trip, graduating seniors may participate in a trip paid for with class monies accrued over their GNTA years. Students would be eligible to participate in the trip if they have successfully completed all graduation requirements, including community service hours. Students who have been placed on the Student Activity Ineligibility List for inappropriate behavior will not be allowed to participate. Any student placed on the Ineligibility List will be reviewed individually.
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Class and club officers are elected at the beginning of the school year.
Eighth Graders may begin earning High School Community Service Hours starting the 3rd quarter of their 8th grade.
Middle School dances are for Geyserville Middle School students only. Middle School dances are held from 4:00PM to 6:30PM. All students are expected to remain at the dance until it ends. Students who leave early will not be readmitted. Students must be picked up within 15 minutes of the end of the dance. Parents are asked to assist us with this by picking students up on time as this enhances safety for all students.
Students who have been promoted on to the eighth grade and who have successfully met all requirements will be promoted to high school. A Promotion Ceremony takes place in May. The graduates will wear black graduation gowns, provided by the district. Students not participating in the ceremony due to retention will not be able to attend or participate in any extra-curricular Activities. (See Middle School Promotion policy)
Elective classes are two quarters (one semester) in length on a rotating schedule. Students
may be assigned to a Study Skills class based on the students’ needs and grades.
Geyserville Unified School District
Eighth Grade Promotion Ceremonies and Activities (BP 6146.5)
Eighth grade promotion, although an important milestone, should not be confused with graduation which takes place in high school and in college. The promotion ceremony is an extracurricular activity similar to a field trip or any other school related event. We encourage families to celebrate this event in moderation. Eighth grade students must meet the following requirements in order to participate in the middle school promotion ceremony and related eighth grade activities.
Students must earn satisfactory grades in achievement, citizenship, and work habits on all report cards beginning with the first quarter report card. Additionally, students must comply with their school’s safety rules as well as maintain an acceptable discipline record:
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All students and their parents/legal guardian who DO NOT qualify to participate in promotional activities will be notified five (5) days prior to promotion. A student who qualifies based on academics may be disqualified if involved in inappropriate activity at the administrator’s discretion.
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1300 Moody Lane, Geyserville, CA 95441
(707) 857-3592 / fax (707) 857-3071
• Geyserville Unified District Office
• Middle School (grades 6th - 8th)
• High School (grades 9th - 12th)
• Buena Vista High School (grades 9th - 12th)
Student Handbook
District Vision Statement
Geyserville Unified School District as a whole is committed to providing the opportunity for all students to acquire the skills and values necessary to become responsible and contributing adults in our community and beyond.
We believe true excellence results from the collaboration of a passionate, committed staff, involved families, and the broader community.
Welcome to Geyserville New Tech Academy!
The staff at Geyserville New Tech Academy is proud to provide the community of Geyserville with a school dedicated to quality education. We see our job as providing a strong academic and career based program to prepare your student for the future. We, the entire staff, are strongly committed to this goal.
Mission Statement
The mission of Geyserville is to produce within a safe and caring environment, educated, compassionate citizens who achieve and perform at all levels of learning, are prepared to live fulfilling lives and contributing to their community and the world in which they live. Our well- qualified and caring faculty and staff challenge each student to his or her highest potential in this life long pursuit of learning, excellence and service to others.
School Vision for Ideal Graduate
Geyserville New Tech Academy’s goal is to guide its students through a meaningful and challenging standards-based curriculum. As a result, each graduate will become a lifelong learner capable of developing and planning a course of action; and have the perseverance and competency to succeed.
pg 1
Geyserville New Tech Student Learner Outcomes
Balanced Scholastic Achievers = Knowledge and Thinking
Students will strive to meet or exceed proficiency standards on State testing and curricular testing while keeping a focus on creative and critical thinking.
Responsible Citizens = Agency
Students will treat others with respect and work to improve life for themselves, their school, and the greater community, by conducting themselves as life-long learners and informed world citizens.
Objective thinkers = Knowledge and Thinking
Students will be able to differentiate between fact and opinion; conduct extensive balanced research; evaluate their sources using internet technology.
Natural Communicators = Oral and Written Communication
Students will be comfortable expressing their opinions and sharing their knowledge in written, spoken and on-line formats.
Collaborative learners = Collaboration
Students will work effectively and efficiently in groups towards established goals and present their work in a professional manner.
High Quality Producers = Project Based Learning achieves this goal
Students will develop, create and assess intellectual, artistic and professional quality work while implementing appropriate 21st century skills and technology.
Outstanding Graduates = will be students who have mastered the above criteria
Students who are prepared for the career and college paths.
Get School Information Online
The Geyserville Unified School District website provides information about the Geyserville New Tech Academy, its programs, and staff members. In addition, parents and students can view the GNTA Bulletin on the site. The Daily Bulletin provides information about current school events and important due dates for school program applications, as well as college tests and applications.
pg 2
Common Planning Time
The Geyserville School Board and Administration want to continue to develop excellent programs for students. We will be holding a common planning time each Wednesday throughout the District. The purpose of the common planning time is for teachers to do team planning, coordinate school wide themes, and meet to address student issues and program needs.
Students participating in interscholastic athletic competition, spirit squad, student body offices,
class offices, Ballet Folklorico, and other similar activities are affected by these regulations:
I. Students entering Geyserville Middle or High School from other schools shall be
eligible according to current California Interscholastic Federation rules. All students
promoted from grade 8 are initially eligible.
II. Students must maintain a 2.00 grade point average in order to be eligible. The 2.00
grade point average shall be computed at the end of each quarter. Students must be
progressing towards graduation requirements in order to maintain eligibility.
III. Academic requirements are as follows:
1. A student must maintain minimum passing grades, which is defined as at least a 2.00 grade point average in all enrolled courses on a 4.00 scale.
2. A student must be making minimum progress towards meeting graduation requirements.
3. Probationary period: A student who has received a grade of F in any class will be
placed on a five (5) week probationary period. If the grade has not improved by the
time of progress reports, the student will become ineligible to participate.
A review of eligibility will be considered by school administration at the end of the 5
week probationary period.
4. Students not meeting the above requirements will be declared ineligible until the
next grading period.
IV. A student must be in regular attendance the full day of the scheduled event in order to
be able to participate. If the game or event is not on a school day, the full-day
attendance rule applies to the last day of school preceding the event.
V. “In regular attendance” means the following: attendance in school day except for (1)
funeral, (2) Dental or medical appointment with a note from the doctor or dentist’s
office verifying that the visit was not for an illness which kept the student out of school
that day. but for some previous reason for which an appointment was made at least
two days in advance. This regulation may be appealed by the principal.
pg. 3
VI. High School students must complete a total of 10 hours each year in a community
service project. If a student does not complete 10 hours within the school year he/she
will not be able to participate in any extra-curricular activities the following year until
the hours are completed. (Board Policy 6146.1A)
VII. Middle and High School students participating in athletics (including practice) must first
pass a physical exam. A copy must be on file.
School attendance in California is required by law.
If your child is ill we do not want them to come to school. However, if they are no longer contagious we encourage them to return.
Unless exempted, all California students must attend school in a regular full-time program or a continuation program until they are 18 years of age or graduated from high school. If a student is absent, the school must be notified of the reason for the absence.
For the purposes of our school attendance policy and academic requirements, we will maintain records on excused and unexcused absences.
Excused Absence:
An excused absence is defined under Board Policy. The teacher is to allow a student to make up the work missed during absences, to the degree it is possible for such work to be completed. A student who is absent one day will have 1 day to make up work.
It will be the responsibility of the student to find out what work was missed in class. If missed work is not made up in the allowed time, the student’s grade may be affected.
An excused absence shall be granted for the following reasons:
1. Personal illness
2. Quarantine under city or county direction
3. Medical, dental, optometry, or chiropractic services. Students are strongly
urged to make appointments during non-school hours.
4. Attending funeral services for an immediate family member
5. Exclusion for not having been properly immunized; such absence is excused
for not more than five school days
6. Jury duty
Unexcused Absence: If a student misses class without an excuse he/she will not be allowed to make up for missed work. Subsequently, the student’s grade will be affected. Unexcused absences include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Oversleeping
2. Cut (also subject to the School Discipline Policy)
3. Family vacations (please refer to Independent Study Guidelines)
4. Any absence which is not cleared within 3 days after the student returns to school
pg 4
Consequences for Unexcused Tardies:
(Students who cut are also subject to the School Discipline Policy.)
Unexcused tardies will be recorded by each instructor on a tardy tracking form. Students who are late to their First period class for any reason, are to report to the Office. For all other periods, students are to report to their regularly scheduled class, unless you arrive at school after the First period for any reason. (Doctor’s appointment, family emergency, etc.)
Mondays - Fridays
- Tardy 1 = Warning
- Tardy 2 = Warning
- Tardy 3 = Detention (Lunch picked up first)
- Tardy 4+ = Detention (Resets to 0 at the quarter)
- Skipped twice, principal phone call home (May also fall under willful defiance, p. 22)
Students will meet in Room 16 to serve detention at lunch on Mondays and/or Fridays.
Students skip the line if they need to get a hot lunch and must be in Room 16 by 12:18.
Students may:
- Copy the handbook
- Sit silently
- Read a book
- If one is found in Tardy Detention, students will need to make up detention at the next scheduled tardy detention.
- Students must place phones on airport mode or silent mode.
Following an absence, all students, regardless of age, must bring a note from a parent or guardian to the office to get an absence slip before being admitted back into school. Parents may also call the school or email the school secretary. Students will not be admitted to class without an absence slip from the office. If the absence is justified, the parent/guardian has three (3) days to clear the absence. If the absence is not cleared with appropriate documentation within three (3) days, it remains on the student’s attendance record as an unexcused absence.
SARB (School Attendance Review Board)
Students and parents are referred to SARB if they have persistent problems in school relating to attendance or behavior, and when the normal avenues of classroom, school and district intervention do not resolve the situation. Both parents and students are subject to prosecution under the Ed. Code for the State of California if an attendance problem persists.
pg 5
Independent Study:
If you know you will be out of town for 5-20 instructional days, check with the office (at least one week in advance) to make sure the reason for Independent Study meets the State of California Ed. Code guidelines and that the necessary paperwork can be processed. Contact the Independent Studies Coordinator to request independent studies.
Remember that a student’s presence in class is extremely important. Missing lectures, labs or other hands-on assignments may affect a student’s overall grade.
Riding the bus is a privilege; improper conduct on the bus may result in that privilege being denied. Bus citations will be issued for inappropriate behavior as well as subject to the discipline policy.
Geyserville New Tech Academy has a hot breakfast and lunch program available. Please check with Food Services or the office if you think you may qualify for free or reduced priced meals. Cafeteria trays are not allowed beyond the outside patio area. Microwaves are available for student use.
Cell phone use during the school day is limited to break and lunch times. There is a great potential for nuisance, distraction for students and lost phones. As with all personal property we will not be responsible for loss or damage of cell phones. If a student has their cell phone out during class time, the teacher will confiscate it and a parent/guardian must pick it up at the end of the school day. If a student’s phone has been confiscated more than 3 times they will have to turn in their phone to the office before school starts and may pick it up at the end of the day.
To provide for student safety, Geyserville Educational Park is a closed campus. Students cannot leave campus unless a parent/guardian checks them out of school at the front office. Any student who violates the closed campus rule, is subject to disciplinary action. (see Discipline Policy-Willful Defiance p. 22). Board policy allows seniors to leave campus as long as parents/guardians have signed an OFF CAMPUS PRIVILEGE form on file in the main office.
School property (e.g., books, equipment, uniforms, etc.) must be returned in a reasonable condition when recalled by the teacher or coach. You are responsible for all school materials entrusted to you. You will be charged a replacement fee for lost or damaged materials.
pg 6
Geyserville New Tech Academy Bell Schedule 2021-2022
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Schedule
8:27 am First Bell
8:30 - 9:50 am Block 1 80 minutes
9:50 - 10:02 am Break 12 minutes
10:05 - 11:25 am Block 2 80 minutes
11:28 - 12:13 am HS Advisory 45 minutes
12:00 - 12:45 pm MS Advisory 45 minutes
12:13 - 12:43 pm HS Lunch 30 minutes
11:28 - 11:58 am MS Lunch 30 minutes
12:45 - 2:05 pm Block 3 80 minutes
2:10 - 3:30 pm Block 4 80 minutes
Wednesday Schedule (No Advisory)
8:27 am First Bell
8:30 - 9:47 am Block 1 77 minutes
9:47 - 10:01 am Break 15 minutes
10:04 - 11:21 am Block 2 77 minutes
11:24 - 12:41 pm Block 3 77 minutes
12:41 – 1:11 pm Lunch 30 minutes
12:13 - 12:43 pm Block 4 77 minutes
1:13 – 2:30 pm MS Lunch 30 minutes
Assembly/Rally Schedule Wednesday
8:27 am First Bell
8:30 - 9:27 am Block 1 57 minutes
9:30 - 10:27 am Block 2 57 minutes
10:27 – 10:42 am Break 15 minutes
10:45 - 11:42 pm Block 3 57 minutes
11:45 - 12:42 pm Block 4 57 minutes
12:45 - 1:15 pm Lunch 30 minutes
(assembly setup)
1:20 - 2:30 pm Assembly/Rally 65 minutes
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If you are guilty of cheating, the teacher will collect your assignment and mark an F for the work; Parents/Guardians will be notified by the administration (See discipline policy under Willful Defiance p.22).
The purpose of the California Scholarship Federation and the California Junior Scholarship Federation, a statewide organization, is to foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship on the part of students of California’s public and private high schools and middle schools. Membership is based on grades earned during the preceding semester. Please see the CSF/CJSF advisor for information regarding the requirements for membership.
Announcements for the daily bulletin must be submitted on a bulletin form to the office by 9:00 a.m. on the day you want it to appear. The bulletin will be read daily. Listen carefully! The bulletin will be posted on the school website (
Middle school dances are for Geyserville students only. Guests are not allowed. Dances will be held between the hours of 3:30 and 6:00 p.m. High School dances are in the evening, and are usually held between 8:00 and 11:00 p.m. Guests are allowed with approval from the administration and the parent/guardian of Geyserville students. A Guest Pass must be filled out one week prior to the dance. Guest passes are available in the front office. If the guest is no longer in high school or over the age of 18, a copy of the guests’ driver’s license must be attached to the Guest Pass. No one over the age of 20 will be allowed to attend the dance.
Your teacher may detain you in the classroom at break or lunch for incomplete work, homework, or inappropriate behavior. Administrative Detentions will be assigned as needed. If further consequences are necessary students may be assigned On Campus Suspension or Home Suspension, depending on the severity of the infraction. Please refer to the Behavior Expectations and Disciplinary Policy.
The Geyserville Unified School District Board has declared Geyserville New Tech Academy to be a drug-free zone. Any student under the influence or in possession will be suspended from school and may face expulsion. The sheriff’s department will be notified. Students selling or
attempting to sell any controlled substance will face a five-day home suspension, police report, and will be recommended for expulsion. (see Discipline Policy p.21) Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes or chewing tobacco on school grounds is not allowed and will be dealt with according to the school discipline policy.
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The dress code at our school is practical. All clothing shall be within the bounds of decency and in good taste as appropriate for an academic setting at school. Clothing that is disruptive to the learning environment will not be permitted. Any clothing, dress, attire or ornaments etc. that can be interpreted by school officials to be disruptive to the educational process or inappropriate is at the discretion of school officials. The following is a guideline of appropriate and acceptable school attire:
- Clothing must be worn at all times. Images and/or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment or deemed inappropriate by school officials is not allowed. In addition, “pajamas” are not appropriate to wear at school, unless it is for Spirit Week, Halloween or another school-sponsored event.
- Shirts must be worn at all times.
- No “see-through” type of shirt or blouse.
- No low-cut or revealing clothing. It is not appropriate to a school environment.
- Shoes must be worn at all times.
- Sunglasses may not be worn inside.
- Hats, beanies and hoods are not allowed during school assemblies. Wearing these items in the classroom/gymnasium/or anywhere on school property is up to the discretion of school officials and must be free of anything which would denote inappropriate behavior, drugs, alcohol, violence, or any kind of gang affiliation.
- It is expected that dresses, skirts, shorts, etc. cover the hips so that undergarments are not revealed.
Any clothing, apparel, jewerly, accessory, notebook, personal belonging, or manner of grooming, which by virtue of its color, arrangment, trademark, or attribute, that denotes membership in gangs, or advocates drug or alcohol use, sexual relations, violence, or disruptive behavior is prohibited.
pg 9
Geyserville New Tech Academy heavily emphasizes the PBL process (project based learning). As such, certain electronic devices may be used when the research phase under PBL is in effect. Students may use headphones, bluetooth, Airpods, etc. only when the instructor has given any and all instructions or directions under any phase of the PBL process. Students who disregard this policy will have their device taken away and may face disciplinary action under willful defiance. (p.22)
A blue emergency procedure card is included in your first day packet. It must be completed and returned to the office within the first week of school. Please be aware that emergency procedure cards need to be kept current to ensure accurate and expedient contact information in case of emergency.
To be eligible to take part in a non-academic field trip, students must have a minimum of a 2.0 GPA as of the last grading period and all passing grades. That means, F’s are not allowed. Also students must have had no more than 2 referrals up to the day before the field trip and they are following our three expected norms: trust, respect and responsibility. A non-academic field trip experience can be made up in the classroom if a student does not attend.
For all academic field trips, the trip must be part of a project and/or a college tour and students must have a minimum of a 1.0 GPA as of the last grading period. Also students must have had no more than 2 referrals up to the day before the field trip and they are following our three norms: trust, respect, and responsibility. An academic field trip is an experience that cannot be made up in the classroom.
If an instructor has a concern for a certain student, then the decision to allow the particular student to go on any field trip will be handled at the discretion of the teacher or teachers. (Examples would be if a student is failing across the board; if a student is failing because of an extended family emergency or a long illness, etc.)
School rules apply on field trips. Inappropriate conduct on a field trip will result in parents being called to pick up their student, and he/she will not be eligible for the following trip. Students who choose not to participate in a required field trip are still required to attend school, and will be required to complete a teacher or administrator assignment in lieu of the trip.
Students are expected to settle differences without resorting to physical attacks of any kind, including pushing, shoving, hitting, or verbal abuse. See the principal or counselor; often communication clears up the problem. (see Discipline Policy)
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Food and drink are not to be consumed in the classroom during class time. This rule does not apply when teachers have planned a legitimate teaching objective which requires the preparation and/or use of food during the regular class.
A - Excellent B - Above Average C – Average D - Below Average F - Fail (no credit earned)
INC - Incomplete (becomes an F if work is not completed within 2 weeks)
(An INC is given when a student has been absent due to a prolonged illness or at the discretion of the principal. If a student is absent the day of a final then the Excused Absence policy is put into effect allowing 1 day to make up the work.)
Grade is determined by:
Indicators of taking ownership over one’s learning:
• Meet benchmarks
• Seek feedback
• Monitor your learning
• Actively participate
• Build relationships
• Impact self & community
Oral Communication
The ability to communicate knowledge and thinking through effective oral presentations.
Written Communication
The ability to effectively communicate knowledge and thinking through writing by organizing and structuring ideas and using discipline appropriate language and conventions.
The ability to be a productive member of diverse teams through strong interpersonal communication, a commitment to shared success, leadership, and initiative.
Knowledge & Thinking
The ability to reason, problem-solve, develop sound arguments or decisions, and create new ideas by using appropriate sources and applying the knowledge and skills of a discipline.
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The School Nurse is at school once or twice a month. If you would like to see her, please make an appointment in the office. Counseling Services are also available. Please contact the office for more information. If you become ill in class, get a pass and come to the office. A call home will be made. You cannot be sent home unless there is parental permission. If it becomes necessary for you to take any form of prescribed medication at school, an Authorization for Administering Medication must be on file in the office. Forms may be obtained in the school office. Students may take non-prescription medication with a written note from a parent. All medications must be kept by the school secretary.
If you should have any questions or concerns regarding academic progress or the school’s program, the following procedures should be followed:
1) Communicate directly with the teacher.
2) If the problem is not resolved, make an appointment to meet with the teacher and the Principal.
3) If the problem still is not resolved submit a written description of the situation to the superintendent’s office.
4) The last recourse is to request a meeting with the Board of Trustees.
Appointments to meet with the teacher or principal may be made through the school office
(857-3592) between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
To qualify for the Honor Roll, you must achieve at least a 3.0 AGPA (Academic Grade Point Average) or higher. Students who achieve a 3.0 AGPA or higher for three out of four quarters will be honored at a special ceremony at the end of the year.
The library is a quiet place to read or study. Rules are posted. The library is open daily. Hours are posted.
LOCKERS (P.E. & Seniors)
A locker is issued to you at the beginning of the school year. You are responsible for keeping it clean inside and out. Any locker malfunction should be reported to the office. You are cautioned against giving others your combination or sharing your locker. Do not keep money or other valuables in your locker. THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ITEMS LOST OR STOLEN.
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Articles found in and around the school should be turned in to the library where owners may claim their property. If you have lost something, you may wish to place an announcement in the bulletin. Items not claimed from Lost and Found will be donated to charitable organizations at Thanksgiving, Winter Recess, Spring Recess and the end of the school year.
To avoid unnecessary classroom disruptions, we do not deliver messages to students except in emergencies. The nature of all such emergencies must be established prior to the delivery. The same holds true for phone usage. School phones are to facilitate the conducting of school, not personal business. Please make pick-up arrangements with your child before they leave home. Classroom phones are not for student use.
For your safety you must stay in supervised areas. Off limit areas are parking lots, behind the gym, baseball/softball dugouts, the benches next to Mr. Boone’s room, and posted areas inside the main building. Students are also not allowed in the front of the school or side grass area during break or lunch.
Geyserville New Tech Academy is a CLOSED Campus.
The following are permissible displays of affection at school:
a) Holding hands
b) One arm around the shoulder or waist.
Violation of these rules will result in:
1) Warning /Parent notification
2) Detention (See discipline policy under Willful Defiance p.22)
Parent/Teacher conferences for Middle/High School students can be requested by parents, students or a staff member to discuss the student’s progress and any concerns parents may have. Please feel free to contact the teacher to set up a conference at his/her free time or prep period.
For your safety, the parking lot and cars in the parking lot are off limits during the school day. Students do not have permission to go to their cars for any reason, unless accompanied by an administrator.
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Students driving to school and parking their vehicle on school grounds must apply for a parking permit. A parking permit will be issued upon proof of the following: valid California Driver’s license, current vehicle registration, automobile insurance and parent signature. While parked on campus, all vehicles must display a parking permit, issued by the District.
PERMISSION TO SIGN NOTES (Students 18 years and older)
Students 18 years and older who reside with their parents or guardians will be considered to have the same status as any other student in the Geyserville Unified School District and will be expected to follow all school rules concerning absences, tardies, notes, excuses, check-out and check-in etc. Students 18 years old and older who reside independently and who have been legally emancipated from their parents/guardians must supply proof to the Principal. Approved students living independently are expected to follow all school rules, but may write their own absence notes.
If a student is enrolled in a physical education class, participation is required.
When a medical problem exists, a parent may excuse you from participation for three days; a doctor's note is required thereafter. You must report and dress for P.E. class everyday, whether you participate or not. The State of California for graduation requires two years (20 credits) of High School physical education.
If you are receiving a grade of D+ or lower in any subject, a progress report will be mailed home. Progress reports are mailed home quarterly.
Report cards are mailed home on a quarterly basis approximately two weeks after the grading period has ended.
School office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. The school office is off limits unless you have specific business with the counselor, principal, or secretary. Due to the confidential nature of school business, the principal and secretary’s desks are off limits to students. Forms and calendars of school activities are located in the office.
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School officials may conduct searches when there are reasonable grounds or suspicion that the search will uncover evidence that the student may have violated the law or school rules, or placed the health and safety of students or school employees in jeopardy. In all such cases of search, the search must be within the school personnel’s regular scope of duties, and any property seized must be reported to the student immediately.
SPORTS (Some sports may not be offered due to COVID, check with Athletic Director)
Activity eligibility rules apply for sports participation (see Activity Eligibility). Sports offered at Geyserville New Tech Academy are:
High School Middle School
Co-Ed Soccer Baseball Co-Ed Soccer
Volleyball Softball Girls Volleyball
Boys Basketball Cheerleading Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball Tennis and Golf Girls Basketball
This year the Geyserville School District pays for student accident insurance for school time. However, this coverage is not in effect during the summer. If parents wish to pay for an optional 24 hour coverage plan, please contact the school office. Coverage is a maximum of $25,000.00 with the $100.00 deductible to be paid by the student’s parent or guardian.
At the request of Geyserville School Staff, student study teams comprised of teachers, specialists and administrators meet to consider the needs of individual students and suggest interventions to help teachers in the instruction of the student.
Class Suspension
You may be suspended from a class by your teacher for the rest of a period and from that class the next day for inappropriate behavior. You will be assigned administrative detention time in addition to the period you sat out. A Student Behavior referral will be written and the teacher will notify your parents and administrator. A parent conference may be scheduled.
School Suspension
The principal, the principal’s designee, or the superintendent may suspend a student from school for no more than five (5) consecutive days, depending on the severity of the situation. An informal conference will be held. The student will be given the opportunity to present his or her version and evidence. Whenever practical, the referring staff will attend.
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A student who is on home suspension will not have the opportunity to make up missed work. A suspended student is not to be on campus or participate in any school activities. A parent conference will be held before or upon returning to school (within 2 days). Suspended students are not to participate in extracurricular activities or attend school functions during days of suspension. (See also Willful Defiance p.22)
Students are expected to be prepared and on time to class. (See above under Consequences for Unexcused Tardies p.5)
All textbooks are loaned to students to use during the school year. You are responsible for replacement costs for damaged or lost books. Students who are unable to meet the monetary obligation will need to contact the principal as soon as possible.
In compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Geyserville Unified
School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the admission of student to school
programs, in its education programs or activities, or in the recruitment and employment of
personnel. Our students have a right to a nonsexist education. A law called Title IX prohibits the school from discrimination on the basis of sex. Females and males are guaranteed equal treatment under the law in:
•Admission to schools •Counseling and guidance
•Student rules and regulations •Student services and benefits
•Financial Aid •Athletics and competitive sports
•Employment •Policies relating to marital and parental status
•Sexual harassment •Entrance to courses (including P.E. and Vocational Education)
Our school buildings and grounds are beautiful; those who destroy or vandalize them will be required to pay for losses or damages. If you willfully destroy or steal school property, suspension and subsequent expulsion may be necessary. The parents/guardian having custody or control of a minor who commits an act of vandalism against the school or District will be held financially liable. (See discipline policy)
(California Vehicle Code Section 2113 (a))
By entering any Geyserville Unified School District property, the person driving any vehicle is deemed to consent to a complete search of the vehicle, all its compartments and contents, by school officials for any reason at any time. This notice applies to all vehicles of any type and is
in force 24 hours a day.
pg 16
Student visitors are not permitted on campus during the school day. Parents are always welcome. We ask that an appointment be made to see a teacher, counselor, administrator, or visit a classroom. Parents, classroom speakers and invited guests must register in the main
office upon arrival and wear a name tag in clear sight. Small children should not be brought to school. Shadowing a Geyserville student for a day will only be allowed if the parent of the student has contacted the principal regarding possibly becoming a Geyserville student. Alumni students
can be on campus during lunch only, or if special arrangements have been made with the administration.
The dress code at our school is practical. All clothing shall be within the bounds of decency and good taste as appropriate for school. Clothing that is disruptive to the learning environment will not be permitted. Garments must be sufficient to conceal all undergarments at all times. Cleavage cannot be visible. The following is a guideline of appropriate and acceptable school clothing:
1. Shoes must be worn at all times.
2. Dark glasses or sunglasses may not be worn inside the school.
3. Hats, beanies and hoods are not allowed during all-school assemblies. Wearing hoods in the classroom is not allowed. Hats & beanies may be used in the classroom but are under the discretion of the instructor. Hats must be free of anything, which would denote drugs, alcohol, violence or any kind of gang affiliation.
4. Dresses, skirts and short length must be mid-thigh or longer.
The following are not allowed on campus or at any school sponsored event:
1. No tank tops “see through” or “fishnet” type of blouse, shirt, spaghetti straps, and short-crop tops, tube tops, bare midriffs, muscle shirts, spandex pants/shorts or sports bras may be worn.
2. No low-cut or revealing clothing not conducive to a school environment will be allowed. Cleavage cannot be visible. Shirts must be worn at all times.
Any clothing, apparel, jewelry, accessory, note book, personal belonging, or manner of grooming, which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, or attribute, denotes membership in gangs, advocates drug or alcohol use, sex, violence or disruptive behavior is prohibited.
pg 17
Students are expected to come to school ready to learn. If a student is dressed inappropriately, these steps will be followed:
1. Student will be counseled as to inappropriate dress. If the student can remedy the situation by putting on or removing an item of clothing, he or she will be allowed to do so.
2. If the above is not possible, the student will be sent with a pass to the principal. On an individual basis, the student may be sent home to remedy the situation. Parent/guardian will be notified of the student’s infraction.
2nd infraction will result in a school detention and parent notification. (Willful Defiance p.22)
“Our purpose at Geyserville New Tech Academy is to enable students to pursue excellence,
make sound, informed, ethical decisions, and learn to be responsible,
productive citizens of the future.”
• follow dress policy
• not wear sunglasses in the school building
• remain on campus during the school day
• attend all classes on time with appropriate materials
• be courteous, respect others, their property, and their right to learn
• maintain a clean and orderly campus
• eat only at designated times and areas
• refrain from riding bicycles and skateboards on campus
• stay within supervised areas
• refrain from possession of the following articles:
a. unauthorized electronic or audio devices
b. water balloons/water pistols
c. any articles which might suggest gang affiliation
d. any items inappropriate in a school setting (i.e. pillows, blankets, stuffed animals)
e. permanent markers of any kind
f. cigarette lighters, matches , E-Cigarettes
• Adhere to all the laws of the State of California prohibiting the following:
a. weapons
b. fighting
c. stealing
d. crimes against school personnel
pg 18
e. crimes against school property
f. alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other chemical substances
g. profanity
h. hazing/harassment/racial slurs/sexual harassment
i. gambling
j. disobedience (defiance of authority)
k. fireworks
Students who break a rule in the behavior code will be subject to one or more of the following consequences:
1.Receive a warning from a staff member
2.Have a student-teacher conference or a parent-student-teacher conference
3.Be given a Behavior referral with possible detention
4.Receive On Campus Suspension or Home Suspension
5.Recommendation for possible expulsion
Rules And Procedures Relating To Students
The following are rules and procedures relating to students if they violate the student discipline policy while on school grounds, while going to or from school, or while going to or coming from a school-sponsored activity:
A. (1) Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to
another person, or
(2) Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in
STEPS: 1. Parent conference - school detention or suspension; police may be notified.
2. Parent conference - Probationary Contract and detention or suspension; police may be notified.
3. Parent conference - Student recommended for transfer to Continuation
School; police may be notified. NOTE: Any student who causes serious
physical injury to another person, except in self-defense, shall normally be
recommended for expulsion.
Lesser penalty: Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is inappropriate, the particular circumstance(s) why expulsion is inappropriate, and indicate the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
pg 19
B. Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object unless, in the case of possession of any object of this type, the pupil had obtained written permission from a certificated school employee, which is concurred in by the Principal or the Principal’s designee.
STEPS: 1. Student recommended for expulsion; police or fire department notified.
2. Lesser penalty; Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is inappropriate, the particular circumstance(s) why expulsion is inappropriate, and indicate the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
C. Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of, any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health & Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind.
Note: Students who are in the immediate vicinity of drug or alcohol use or possession and who are aware of such use or possession, will be subject to the steps listed below. Examples: students in automobiles where drugs or alcohol are possessed or consumed; students on field trips or other school-related activities who are in hotel rooms, etc. where drugs or alcohol are possessed or consumed.
1. Police notified. Five (5) day suspension and successful parent conference required. Counseling sessions required. If successful parent conference not held, or if counseling sessions are not attended, transfer to Continuation School. Student placed on Probationary Contract.
2. Student recommended for expulsion; police notified.
Lesser penalty; Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is inappropriate, the particular circumstance(s) why expulsion is inappropriate, and indicate the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
pg 20
1. Student recommended for expulsion; police notified.
Lesser penalty as for possession, if the Principal believes circumstances warrant.
NOTE: Health and Safety Code 11353.6 provides that persons 18 or over who provide drugs to a minor must serve an additional term of three to five years, beyond existing penalties, when this felony occurs on or within 1,000 feet of school grounds. Persons age 18 or over who sell drugs to a minor four or more years their junior also must serve separate additional terms of imprisonment.
D. Unlawfully offered or arranged or negotiated to sell any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind, and then either sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished to any person another liquid, substance, or material and represented the liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant.
1. Student recommended for expulsion; police notified.
2. Lesser penalty as for possession, if Principal believes circumstances so warrant.
Robbery or Extortion
E. Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion.
STEPS: 1. Student recommended for expulsion; police may be notified.
2. Lesser disciplinary action taken; police may be notified; Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is inappropriate, the particular circumstance(s) why expulsion is inappropriate, and indicate the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
F. Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property.
1. Parent conference and Probationary Contract-recommend counseling; police notified.
2. Parent conference. Student recommended for transfer to Continuation School.
NOTE: (a) Restitution as appropriate: parent or guardian liable for up to $5,000 per Ed Code 48904. (b) Students driving cars on lawns or other non-road areas and doing damage to said areas - MINIMUM CHARGE IS $100 PER AREA.
G. Stole or attempted to steal school property or private property.
1. Parent conference and Probationary Contract. Recommend counseling; police notified.
2. Parent conference - Student recommended for transfer to Continuation School.
pg 21
NOTE: (a) Restitution as appropriate: parent or guardian liable for up to $5,000 per Ed
Code 48904.
H. Possessed or used tobacco, or any products containing tobacco or nicotine products, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew packets, and betel. However, this does not prohibit use or possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription products.
1. Parent notified and three (3) day suspension.
2. Parent conference and Probationary Contract.
3. Parent conference - Student recommended for transfer to Continuation School.
I. Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
1. Student conference.
2. Parent conference - Probationary Contract and/or suspension or school detention.
3. Parent conference - Student recommended for transfer to Continuation School.
J. Unlawfully possessed or unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia, as defined in Section 11014.5 of the Health and Safety Code.
1. Police notified. Five (5) day suspension and successful parent conference required. Five (5) counseling sessions required. If successful parent conferences not held, or if counseling sessions not attended, transfer to Continuation School. Probationary Contract.
2. Student recommended for expulsion; police notified.
Lesser penalty, Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is inappropriate, the particular circumstance(s) why expulsion is inappropriate, and the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
K. Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.
1. Parent conference and/or school detention.
2. Parent conference - Probationary Contract and/or suspension or school detention.
3. Parent conference - Student may be recommended for transfer to Continuation school.
pg 22
L. Knowingly received stolen school property or private property.
1. Parent conference and Probationary Contract. Recommended counseling; Police may be notified.
2. Parent conference - Student recommended for transfer to Continuation School.
NOTE: (a) Restitution as appropriate; parent or guardian liable for up to $5,000, per Ed. Code 48904.M.
M. Possessed an imitation firearm. As used in this section, ”imitation firearm” means a replica of a firearm that is so substantially similar in physical properties to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to conclude that the replica is a firearm.
1. Three (3) day suspension - Parent conference; Probationary Contract. Police may be notified.
2. Five (5) day suspension - Transfer to Continuation School. Police notified.
Note: Depending upon the circumstances, student may be recommended for expulsion at step one or two.
N. Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault as defined in Section 261, 266c, 286, 288, 288a, or 289 of the Penal Code or committed a sexual battery as defined in Section 243.4 of the Penal Code.
1. Five (5) day suspension - Student may be recommended for expulsion; police notified; parent conference; Probationary Contract.
2. Recommendation for expulsion and police notified.
O. Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness or witness in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing that pupil from being a witness or retaliating against that pupil for being a witness, or both.
1. Five (5) day suspension Police notified; Probationary Contract.
2. Recommendation for expulsion and police notified.
Harassment of Any Kind
P. Engaged in, or attempted to engage in, hazing as defined in Section 32050
1. Parent conference - school detention or suspension; police may be notified.
2. Parent conference - Probationary Contract and school detention or suspension; police may be notified.
3. Parent conference - Student recommended for transfer to Continuation School; police may be notified. NOTE: Any student who causes serious physical injury to another person, except in self- defense, shall normally be recommended for expulsion.
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Lesser penalty: Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is
inappropriate, the particular circumstance(s) why expulsion is inappropriate, and indicate the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
Q. Section 48900.2 Committed sexual harassment as defined in Section 212.5. For the purposes of this chapter, the conduct described in Section 212.5 must be considered by a reasonable person of the same gender as the victim to be sufficiently severe or pervasive to have a negative impact upon the individual’s academic performance or to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. (Education Code Section 48900.2)
1. Student may be recommended for expulsion, or three (3) to five (5) day suspension - Parent conference; Probationary Contract.
2. Student recommended for expulsion.
R. Section 48900.3 Caused, or attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of hate violence, as defined in subdivision (e) of Section 233. (Education Code 48900.3)
1. Student may be recommended for expulsion, or three (3) to five (5) day suspension - Parent conference; Probationary Contract.
2. Student recommended for expulsion.
S. Section 48900.4 Intentionally engaged in harassment, threats, or intimidation, directed against school district personnel or pupils, that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to have the actual and reasonably expected effect of materially disrupting classwork, creating substantial disorder, and invading the rights of either school personnel or pupils by creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment. (Education Code 48900.4)
1. Student may be recommended for expulsion, or three (3) to five (5) day suspension - Parent conference; Probationary Contract.
2. Student recommended for expulsion.
T. Section 48900.7 Made terroristic threats against school officials or school property, or both. (Education Code 48900.7)
1. Student recommended for expulsion; police notified.
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Lesser Penalty: Principal must notify the Board in writing that expulsion is inappropriate, and indicate the proposed lesser penalty to be imposed.
U. Section 48900 (r)
Engaging in an act of bullying by any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or by means or an electronic act, and including one or more acts committed by a pupil or group of pupils as defined in Education Code sections 48900.2, 48900.3, or 48900.4 directed at one or more pupils that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following:
placing a reasonable pupil or pupils in fear of harm to the pupil or pupils or his/her/their property; causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with his or her physical or mental health; causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with his or her academic performance; or causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with his or her ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or privileges provided by a school.
EC 32261 (f) and (g):
(f) As used in chapter, “bullying” means one or more acts by a pupil or group as defined in Section 48900.2, 48900.3, or 48900.4.
(g) As used in this chapter, an “electronic act” means the transmission of a communication, including, but not limited to, a message, text, sound, or image by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone or other wireless communication device, computer or pager (Education Code 48901.5).
1. Parent conference and Detention.
2. Parent conference - Probationary Contract and suspension or school detention.
1. Parent notified - Referral sent home and student assigned school detention (for full day cuts and for part day cuts).
2. Parent conference - student assigned school detention.
3. Parent conference - student assigned school detention and placed on Probationary Contract.
4. Parent conference - student recommended for transfer to Continuation School for being habitually truant or irregular in attendance from instruction upon which he or she is lawfully required to attend.
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(Teacher determines a student is cheating):
1. Student will receive a zero for the assignment. Referral will be submitted to the counselor, who will make parent contact.
2. Student will receive a zero for the assignment. Referral will be made to an administrator. A conference will be held and school detention assigned.
3. Student will receive a zero for the assignment. Referral will be made to an administrator. A conference will be held with parents. A school detention will be assigned and the student will be placed on a Probationary Contract.
No student or student group may distribute, for reading or wearing, any materials which include obscenities, describe or advocate disruptive activities, issue false or abusive statements about persons, organizations or policies, or advocate violation of the law or official school regulations.
•The above discipline procedures for serious offenses may be reasonably lessened by the Principal or designee, when, in their proper judgment, special or unusual circumstances warrant the use of steps other than those indicated above.
• For the offenses listed in Section 1 above, when the Principal judges that an infraction is extremely serious in nature, the school may bypass the listed step in the discipline procedures and go to the next step, or for such cases, expulsion may be recommended.
• At the option of the Principal or designee, for the offenses listed in Section 1, the school may proceed to Step 2 for an infraction under one section, if the student has already been penalized at Step 1 for another offense. (i.e. offenses are cumulative.)
A student may be suspended or expelled for any of the acts listed above if that act is related to school activity or school attendance occurring at any district school or within any other school district, including, but not limited to, the following circumstances:
1. While on school grounds 3. During the lunch period
2. While going to or coming from school 4. During, going to, or coming from a school-sponsored activity.
Any student may be suspended, recommended for expulsion, or transferred to the Continuation School if the Principal or Superintendent determines that the pupil’s presence causes a danger to persons or property or threatens to disrupt the instructional process. Suspended students may be required to complete all assignments and tests missed during the suspension by the teacher of the class involved. Any work required to be made up and not completed shall receive a failing grade.
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THIS IS A SERIOUS STEP: A student on probation must attend school regularly and be free from all discipline referrals. Students who are placed on probation may not participate in extracurricular activities, including graduation, may not hold an ASB or class office, and may not participate on athletic teams.
A. A student may be placed on a “Probationary Contract” for any of the following:
1. Attendance: Failure to attend school on a regular basis - cutting classes, forging notes, excessive tardies, etc.
2. Discipline: Insubordination; excessive discipline problems; violation of state or local laws; violation of district or school rules and regulations.
3. If a student violates a major school rule or is absent without proper authorization while on a Probationary Contract, he/she may be recommended for transfer to the Continuation School.
4. The time period for a Probationary Contract shall be for nine (9) calendar weeks.
5. A student placed on a Probationary Contract near the end of the school year may use the time during the summer to meet the nine-week period if he/she enrolls in a local junior college and earns 10 credits.
B. Petition for permission to participate in extracurricular activities:
Students may petition to participate in extracurricular activities that occur after a student has been on probation for five (5) calendar weeks. The petition should be submitted to the school administration at least 1 week prior to the activity for which the student is submitting the petition. Students who are placed on probation as a result of drug or alcohol offenses may request, upon approval by the school administration, permission to take part in a particular activity. After five (5) calendar weeks of probation, permission to participate will be contingent upon the completion of community service as approved by the school administration. The school administration reserves the right to deny such a request based on the particular circumstances of the offense.
The student or student’s parents or guardian has/have the right to request a meeting with the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee. Parents or students 18 years of age or older also have the right to review any and all student records and receive a copy if requested. The foregoing procedures are in compliance with Education Code 48900, 48900.02, 48903.5, and 48432.5.
• Offenses are normally cumulative only for the school year in which they occur. That is, a student receives a “clean slate” at the beginning of each school year. HOWEVER, Drug and Alcohol offenses covered in sections C and D above are cumulative for two (2) CALENDAR YEARS from the date of the offense. (For example, if a student possesses drugs and STEP 1 is applied, any additional drug/alcohol offense in the next 2 years will result in the application of STEP 2.)
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Geyserville New Tech Academy can offer Advanced Placement in a variety of courses to seniors and juniors. If pre-requisite classes have been met, then students have the opportunity to enroll in Advanced Placement courses. Additional AP classes can be offered through UC Scout if the course is not offered during the academic year.
The ASB4321 provides for student activities, gives students a share in the management of the school, and seeks to interest students in school affairs.
Traditionally, there are two major dances per year: Homecoming and the School Prom.
Student Body cards are sold by the Student Council (price may vary) and entitles you to a discount at all games and dances.
Student Council and Class meetings are held on a regular basis.
The Buena Vista High School is designed for students who are behind in credits, not adjusting to the regular school program, or working mornings or afternoons. The emphasis is on
individualized instruction and courses. Referral to BVHS is made by the administration.
Students may return to the regular high school program at the beginning of a semester with
administrative approval, provided they have made up all credit deficiencies. Possible
participation in the comprehensive high school graduation ceremony is evaluated on an
individual basis.
Students may only change courses for credit up to the second week after the beginning of
each semester. Changing a class requires principal, teacher and parent approval.
All students are required to complete 40 hours of community service (10 per year) in order to
receive a diploma. The requirement for transferring students will be based upon 10 hours per year of Geyserville attendance. To receive community service credit, pick up the form in the office and return it to the office. Forms must be signed by a supervising adult and turned into the office within 2 weeks of the activity in order to receive service credit.
Community Service Guidelines:
• Students must complete a total of 10 hours each year of community service. If a student does not complete 10 hours within the school year he/she will not be able to participate in any extra curricular activities the following year until the hours are
completed. This includes all sports, student government, dances, etc. This is a requirement for graduation. (Board Policy 6146.1A).
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• Students cannot obtain credit for community service performed during class time.
• In any community service project, the work of the student must not take the place of a hired employee. Students’ work should supplement the efforts of the organization or agency, not take the place of someone who is already working.
• If the student is paid, the hours will not be applicable.
• Prior approval must be obtained to work with an agency or group not listed below.
• Incoming 9th grade students may begin their community service the second semester of their 8th grade year.
• Approved Organizations:
Chamber of Commerce; Museums; Children’s Centers; Nursing Homes; Hospitals; Humane Society; Libraries; Service Clubs; Schools; Red Cross; Retirement Centers; Religious Groups; City Government;
Park & Recreation Department; Disaster Relief Organization;
Police and Fire Departments; Environmental Groups
To make up credit loss, you may:
1) Repeat the class, if the schedule allows
2) May enroll in an online recovery course
3) Attend the Adelante Program at Santa Rosa Jr. College for credit recovery, if eligible
4) Participate in a Dual Enrollment Program at a California Community College
5) Be referred to Buena Vista High School by the administrator
California Community College Dual Enrollment Program
Any high school student, with a good academic standing, can participate in the Dual Enrollment program. The credits earned at a California Community College (CCC), such as Santa Rosa Junior College, can be applied towards high school graduation requirements and college admission requirements. Students earn 10 High School credits for every 3 College Units earned. Furthermore students earn 1 honors point on their GPA for every college level course successfully completed. Please see the counselor or principal for more information.
Geyserville New Tech Academy
A total of 240 credits and 40 hours (10 per year) Community Service hours are required for graduation. Transferring students from schools with different courses and/or credit requirements will be evaluated individually. Ten credits per semester are earned for each class completed successfully, except for quarter long classes where 5 semester credits are earned such as Civics and Economics. Students need to attend school regularly and work diligently in order to keep up on their credits. Students earn credits for the class if they receive a letter grade of D- or better.
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Geyserville New Tech Academy - High School Graduation Required Courses:
Subject Credits needed Courses offered at GNTA
English 40 credits English 9, 10, 11, 12, AP Lit, AP Language Arts
Science 20 credits Integrated Science 1, 2, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Social Science 30 credits World History, US History, Civics/Economics
Mathematics 30 credits Integrated Math 1, 2, 3, Statistics
*Must pass IM 1 or Algebra to earn a HS Diploma.
Physical Education 20 credits High School PE
Fine Arts 10 credits Spanish 1, 2, 3, High School Art,
Electives 90 credits See master schedule for offerings.
If a student fulfills a category from the graduation requirements,
the additional credits will count towards elective credits.
Seniors who meet all District requirements will participate in an evening graduation ceremony. Eligible seniors from the Buena Vista High School will also participate in this District graduation. Exchange students from other countries are invited to participate in the ceremony and will receive an Honorary Diploma for one year of education abroad. The school colors, green and gold, will be the color theme for the ceremony. This is an important celebration for all to share.
Seniors who lack credit in a required course at the end of the year will not receive a diploma or be allowed to participate in senior activities or ceremonies. The credit requirement can be met through community college or with special arrangements through the counselor. Upon completion of credits and Community Service, a diploma will be issued.
The possibility of a Senior Trip is contingent upon Board Policy and approval. If the Board approves a Senior Trip, graduating seniors may participate in a trip paid for with class monies accrued over their GNTA years. Students would be eligible to participate in the trip if they have successfully completed all graduation requirements, including community service hours. Students who have been placed on the Student Activity Ineligibility List for inappropriate behavior will not be allowed to participate. Any student placed on the Ineligibility List will be reviewed individually.
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Class and club officers are elected at the beginning of the school year.
Eighth Graders may begin earning High School Community Service Hours starting the 3rd quarter of their 8th grade.
Middle School dances are for Geyserville Middle School students only. Middle School dances are held from 4:00PM to 6:30PM. All students are expected to remain at the dance until it ends. Students who leave early will not be readmitted. Students must be picked up within 15 minutes of the end of the dance. Parents are asked to assist us with this by picking students up on time as this enhances safety for all students.
Students who have been promoted on to the eighth grade and who have successfully met all requirements will be promoted to high school. A Promotion Ceremony takes place in May. The graduates will wear black graduation gowns, provided by the district. Students not participating in the ceremony due to retention will not be able to attend or participate in any extra-curricular Activities. (See Middle School Promotion policy)
Elective classes are two quarters (one semester) in length on a rotating schedule. Students
may be assigned to a Study Skills class based on the students’ needs and grades.
Geyserville Unified School District
Eighth Grade Promotion Ceremonies and Activities (BP 6146.5)
Eighth grade promotion, although an important milestone, should not be confused with graduation which takes place in high school and in college. The promotion ceremony is an extracurricular activity similar to a field trip or any other school related event. We encourage families to celebrate this event in moderation. Eighth grade students must meet the following requirements in order to participate in the middle school promotion ceremony and related eighth grade activities.
Students must earn satisfactory grades in achievement, citizenship, and work habits on all report cards beginning with the first quarter report card. Additionally, students must comply with their school’s safety rules as well as maintain an acceptable discipline record:
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- Maintain good grades. Students with three or more F’s accumulated throughout the school year, by the 4th Quarter Progress Report grading period may not be eligible to participate. A mandatory parent conference will be scheduled if a student receives 2 F’s in any grading period.
- Maintain good attendance with no excessive tardies after first period or unexcused absences (5 or more per semester).
- Students who receive two or more suspensions will be excluded from the promotion ceremony and all related activities.
- Students must be clear from all financial obligations to the school. If a student owes for books or any other fee, they will receive a notice of financial obligation which must be taken care of before the promotion ceremony (5 days prior to promotion). Certificates of promotion will be held until a student clears all financial obligations.
- Any case that involves special circumstances may be reviewed by a school administrator.
All students and their parents/legal guardian who DO NOT qualify to participate in promotional activities will be notified five (5) days prior to promotion. A student who qualifies based on academics may be disqualified if involved in inappropriate activity at the administrator’s discretion.
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