Notices and Reporting
Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Plan and
GNTA WASC Action Plan
Geyserville Elementary School/ Geyserville New Tech Academy
GNTA WASC Action Plan
Geyserville Elementary School/ Geyserville New Tech Academy
2024-2025 Single Plan for Student Achievement |
2023-2024 Single Plan for Student Achievement |
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
2021-22 GUSD Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
Modelo del Plan de Continuidad de Aprendizaje y Asistencia (2021–2022)
Local Control Accountability Plan
Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan
ELO Grant Plan Final |
2022 ELO |
2021 ELO |
ESSR III Expenditure Plan
2021_esser_iii_expenditure_plan_gusd.pdf |
GUSD Budget
WASC Reports
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
Geyserville New Tech Academy
MidCycle WASC Progress Report
Geyserville New Tech Academy
MidCycle WASC Progress Report
The mid-cycle, final WASC report is complete and ready for all staff, parents and stakeholders of Geyserville New Tech Academy to review and comment on. We would appreciate it if, after looking over the report, you would take a few minutes to complete the survey. Thank you.
The mid-cycle, final WASC report is complete and ready for all staff, parents and stakeholders of Geyserville New Tech Academy to review and comment on. We would appreciate it if, after looking over the report, you would take a few minutes to complete the survey. Thank you.
After viewing the summary and WASC report, please click on the following links to take the survey about our WASC Report:
Education Protection Account (EPA) Reports
EPA Reports 2018-19
EPA Program by Resource Report Expenditures by Function - Detail - Exp. Through 6/30/2019 |
EPA Reports 2017-18
EPA Program by Resource Report Expenditures by Function - Detail - Exp. Through 6/30/18 EPA Reports 2016-17
EPA Program by Resource Report Expenditures by Function - Detail (Exp. Through 6/30/16 - Created 10/5/17) |
Audit Reports
Final Consortium Report
final_consortium_title_iii_2015-16.pdf |
SARC Reports
School Accountability Report Cards
(printed copies will be made available on request)
Geyserville New Tech Academy
Buena Vista High School
Geyserville Elementary School
Annual Parent Notices
Know Your Rights - Annual Parent Notice 2017-2018: Annual Parent Notice - Annual Health Notice |
Water Reporting
(Includes Consumer Confidence Reports)
Integrated Pest Management Plan
Prop 28 Art and Education Report
Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant Report
LREBG Interim Exepnditure Report 22-23 & 23-24 |
"We are continually in process of updating all sections of the Geyserville Unified School District website. We have a team working on making the site well-designed and accessible for all users. This is a large project, even for a smaller-sized district like ours. We appreciate your patience as we continue to improve and update the site on a daily basis. If any portion of this website remains inaccessible to you, please notify our District Administrative Assistant, Shannon Marckx, at [email protected] or by calling (707) 857-3592, Extension 103. We look forward to meeting your expectations and needs, under the guidance and parameters of current, applicable laws, codes and regulations."