Certificated and Classified
Certificated Substitutes
We are excited that you are ready to work with the students in our district. We encourage you to arrange a visit to one of our beautiful campuses and meet us in person.
Once we receive all required documents for subbing in the classroom, staff will set you up in the Frontline (AESOP) system under our district with a unique PIN number. When you receive an email confirmation of this number, we are ready for you to accept sub assignments that we post. Once you get separate PINs from two or more districts in the county, you may set up an umbrella PIN. Please contact SCOE Credentials ((707) 524-2987 or 524-2794) for assistance with that process. |
You may submit forms and documents to our District Office between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless we are closed for a break or holiday.
You may download and fill out the following forms ahead of time, but we definitely need to see you in person to verify any required live documents. Please use the "Checklist and Info for Certificated Subs" document as a guide for gathering any required documents before you come to our office. Thanks again for your interest in working as a certificated substitute with our district! |
Documents for Certificated Substitutes
Classified Substitutes
More to come in this area. In the meantime, visit our HR page here for additional information.
Contact our District Administrative Assistant at (707) 857-3592 x 103.
Contact our District Administrative Assistant at (707) 857-3592 x 103.